Africa Education Innovations Handbook 2018
This handbook documents 63 innovations in the words of the innovators themselves who were present for the Innovating Education in Africa Expo 2018. Education is undoubtedly the most important tool which we have at our disposal to realise our destiny as a prosperous, integrated, peaceful Africa, driven by its own competent citizens, representing an influential force in the global arena. the Continental Education Strategy for Africa provides a guiding framework for re-orienting our education systems so that education contributes to realisation of the aspirations of Agenda 2063. This requires that Education is managed and delivered with due focus on science, technology, engineering and mathematics; utilising ICT for ensuring quality and access; ensuring equitable opportunities for all, for male and female, rich and poor, urban and rural, locals and refugees; incorporating values for integrity, pan Africanism, respect for life, peaceful co-existence and responsible citizenship; promoting critical thinking and creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship; and taking cognisance of present and future generations. This calls for innovation in education development and delivery.