Skilling Africa: The Paradigm Shift to Technical and Vocational Skills Development
The reality of skills acquisition in Africa, which is informal-sector dominated, calls for a paradigm shift in skilling Africa from a school-based formal TVET system to a holistic and inclusive system of technical and vocational skills development (TVSD).
In this article, Georges Afeti and Ayele Adubra expound why this paradigm shift is needed and what the implications and challenges have been at the policy level, the legislative and governance framework, quality and quality assurance, relevance and employability, assessment and certification and access and equity.
Georges Afeti and Ayele Adubra were the thematic coordinators for ADEA for the sub-theme of “Lifelong technical and vocational skills development for sustainable socio-economic growth“ explored by the 2012 ADEA Triennale held in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
An online version of this article is also available on the ADEA Blog.